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About The Ambassador Program
The mission of the Collegiate Public Forum League is to expand accessible debate opportunities to college students around the country. The student ambassador program is a core part of implementing this mission. By working with motivated students across college campuses, the CPFL hopes to support new programs across the nation. Critically, student ambassadors are expected to embrace program building. The CPFL is here to help by providing resources and advice.
Team captains and student leaders can apply to the student ambassador program. Meetings will be hosted online once a month during the season to work with experienced coaches and directors covering a range of topics related to building a strong public forum debate team. Interested students should complete the form below. Meetings will begin at the end of August.
Join Our Slack
Sign up to be a part of the CPFL Ambassador Program and gain access to our exclusive Slack channel for students to collaborate with other ambassadors and coaches.
Novice Classes
Leverage our free online novice classes - attend yourself and/or share with your team to gain a deeper understanding of PF debate. Our classes are open to all league students.
Evidence Kit
Utilize the CPFL Free Starter Evidence Kit - with dozens of pages of prepared evidence, students can gain an introduction to the topic and a foundation to build on.
Starting A Club
The Collegiate Public Forum League recognizes the challenges that many collegiate teams face in debate. As such, the CPFL is committed to facilitating program growth, to ensure the strength and development of our league. To assist Speech and Debate teams in this goal the CPFL highlights a number of free online resources that debate teams may use.
NSDA Debate Club Resources
Team Recruitment Strategies
Check out NSDA resources on recruitment at the start of the season and throughout, here!
Starting A Team Guide
Take a look at a guide by the NSDA on the process of starting a new Speech & Debate team, here!
New Coach
Quick Start Guide
A one stop shop for new coaches, utilize the NSDA's dozens of resources for coaches, here!